Conducting a training program @ EOBI!

Hi all!

I had been extremely occupied with a lot of stuff going on. For one, I was asked to conduct a training program at Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Instituition (EOBI). For those of you who don’t know what EOBI is; well they are the guys who deduct “Pension Funds” from your monthly salary. Recall?

Anyway, I was asked to design and conduct a training course. They have huge databases and data engines running and one of their requirements is to present various kind of reports over the web; for both internal and public release. So the course was required to cover web development including report generation from their existing databases.

I worked over a course outline tailored to EOBI’s training requirements. It summed up to a 21-hour training program spanned over 2 weeks. The course that we finalized comprised of the following core topics:

  • Introduction to Web Basics & Web Application Development
  • Application development using PHP
  • Using PHP with databases (we also covered practical examples, hands-on and workshops):
    • MySQL
    • FoxPro
    • Oracle 10g

A big portion of the training program covers hands-on, practical examples and demonstration. The experience has been great for me with a lot of boost in my confidence levels. Although I have conducted various workshops and training sessions at my university; but this was totally different and was the first experience of its kind. These people, whom I am giving training to, had started programming when I was in montessori!! Highly experienced and skilled professionals, ofcourse! Nevertheless, I am enjoying it and it has been a worth-while experience for me. Despite of being a trainer – I’ve learnt a lot!

By the way, it is my last session tomorrow.

Apart from these training sessions that I am indulged in these days, I have other pretty interesting stuff going on too – I would update you guys shortly about the other ventures.

For now, try taking a Tea Break.

For those dear readers who are interested in having corporate training for their organization, employees or teams; well, you can always reach me by email.


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